miércoles, 24 de abril de 2013

The Great Race

 Do you know the story of The Great Race??

    It is a lovely story about a Chinese emperor and many animals .... But it si better that you see it by clicking on the next bottom

                      Story ==>      THE CHINESE RACE

Once, you finish to listen and read the story... try to answer the following cuestions to see how well you understood it:

1. What did the emperor want to do?

2. What did the emperor organise to give a name to each year of the Chinese Zodiac?

3. Which animal name does the first year of the Chinese Zodiac receive according to the story?

4. And finally which animal name does the last year of the Chinese Zodiac receive according to the story?


   Well done!!!!    I hope you have enjoyed this story.

 Let's have some fun singing, dancing, reading, playing.... all together with this cheerful traditional children song.


martes, 16 de abril de 2013

Trinity exams G5

Watch the following 2 videos about the Trinity exam Grade 5.

  Pay attention, because afterwards you will practice your presentation too.

Light & colour

 This video will help you with your listening skills.

  Whatch the video and see what you learn abotu light, dispersion of light, rainbow, primary colours, secundary colours, reflexion, propagation of light, solar & moon eclipses, phases of the moon, ...

  Enjoy it!!    ;-)) 

domingo, 14 de abril de 2013

J'aime la France...

Prueba con el reproductor Komcitiz

The first settlers  







Listen to a Tina  and  Sam  talking about the first American settlers.

* Listen to Tina:

 - Was American settler's life similar to nowadays American people life?

 - What are the differences among the old settler's children in the past and nowadays children according to Tina?

* Listen to Sam:

 - Was life in American Old West similar to nowadays life there?

 - How many differences between American Indians in the past, and nowadays Indians have you listened to?