Listen to this song, that you may know, and enjoy it ...

*   Did you like this song? Why?

   Have you recognised any famous singer?  Why do you think that there so many famous international singers that join together for singing this song???

  If you want to see the credits of the song to know more about this song, the list of artist that sing on it... or anyother thing, click the below link.

*   We can see a black man talking at the begining of this video, and another black man talking at the end of this video.... What do they talk about? Why?  You can see the video again, to find some reasons...

 If you want to know more things about the Foundation for the human charity project, you may visit..

Do you think that only English speaking people have joined for "We are the world Foundation"??

Then have a look the following video... You are going to like it too...

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